Serendipity wishes everyone all the best for the Year of the Rabbit.
Our annual red banner writing activity continues. This year we worked with Senior Citizen Home Safety Association and Jin Yuan Charity Foundation. In addition to sending out the "Fok" (Good fortune) red banner written by our members and friends , Serendipity has also made donation to provide lunch boxes and facilitate the well being of the seniors and those in need.
時間過得很快, 兔年已經踏入第二個月了。隨意雅聚仝人在此祝願大家新的一年,平安幸福! 身壯力健!
和過去兩年一樣,我們仍召集會員及有心人仕寫揮春 , 大家一起 開心寫福 、聚福、送福。我們今年除了送贈「福」字、揮春及捐款給「長者安居協會」的長者外;更捐款支持淨緣「 LOVE ASAP ·愛心速遞」慈善計劃,經喜樂餐飲烘培派飯予長沙灣區及跨區長者。長者及有需要人仕在收到飯盒時同時獲贈由隨意雅聚的會員及朋友寫的「福」字,祝願他們在新的一年裡「福氣多多,快樂連連」。