CHUI Pui Chee

BA (CUHK); MA, PhD (China Academy of Art)
Born in Hong Kong in 1980, Dr Chui apprenticed under Mr Jat See-yeu and Professor Wang Dong-ling. After graduated from Queen's College, Hong Kong in 1999, Dr Chui took his first degree at the Department of Fine Arts of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He furthered his postgraduate studies at the Department of Chinese Calligraphy of China Academy of Art, where he obtained his Master of Arts and Doctoral Degree.
Dr Chui served as a programme coordinator at the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, CUHK and a part-time lecturer at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, CUHK and Hong Kong Baptist University. He was an Honorary Advisor of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, CUHK. He also worked in the Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy Department of China Guardian (HK) Auctions Co., Ltd. Baptist University. Dr Chui is currently an executive member of The Jiazi Society of Calligraphy and a research fellow of Modern Calligraphy Research Center of China Academy of Art.
In 2012, Dr Chui received the Hong Kong Contemporary Art Awards - Young Artist Award, presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. He also received the Award for Young Artist (Visual Arts) at the Hong Kong Arts Development Awards 2015 organised by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. He was a finalist of The Sovereign Asian Art Prize 2015, 2018 and 2020. Some of Dr Chui’s artworks were collected by the Hong Kong Museum of Art, Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology of University of Oxford and private collectors. Recent selected exhibitions: ‘Classics Remix: The Hong Kong Viewpoint’, ‘Dawn Chorus, Happen with HART’, ‘The 2020 Sovereign Asian Art Prize: Shortlisted Finalists Exhibition’ , ‘New Rhythm of Line – Contemporary Hong Kong Ink Art’, ‘City Rhymes: The Melodious Notes of Calligraphy’, ‘Nine Abysses’, ‘Eighteen’, ‘Nine Abysses-Ancient Melody’, ‘Master Chui's Kitchen – A Solo Exhibition by Chui Pui Chee’.